Friday, 6 April 2007

Good Friday

I have sat back and watched the past few days as our local community along with probably the rest of Australia has got caught up in the very commercialised view of Easter. Chocolate Eggs get sold at record paces, Hot Cross Buns have been sold since it seems the week after Christmas, and everyone has been looking forward to the extra long weekend; but I cant help wondering how many have no idea as to the true meaning of Easter. Is it a holiday provided so we can raise money for the Children's Hospital, or is it in recognition of good old Mr Easter who pioneered who knows what ??? The true meaning to Easter is absorbed in the rush to provide a fun time for our kids and grandkids, maybe the Christian Church isn't proactive enough in announcing the real reason for this celebration.
Easter is about the greatest gift ever given by anyone in the history of mankind, the gift of Jesus Christ. The gift of everlasting life,the gift of forgiveness, the ultimate gift of Love. What more could we ask of anyone but to give their lives so that we would be forgiven.
May you realise this Easter that Jesus died for you, even though you had done nothing to deserve it !!
God Bless & Keep Safe.

1 comment:

Lieutenant Jo said...

Hi Darren!
Great to hear about your journey towards college, it'll be great to meet you when you visit (or move in!).

This Easter I've been inspired by the kids at MCD Easter Camp (high-school-aged), who invaded a country town en masse to share the true meaning of Easter. As 'electives' some taped interviews with random members of the public about what Easter means, some cleaned up the streets (rubbish & scrubbing), some actively spoke the gospel to people in the streets, some handed out free Easter eggs with messages attached, some engaged in a 'chalk-art' representation of the gospel...

The public were ecstatic about the effect the Salvos had on the town that day and we were able to speak the truth of the gospel to SO many people!

Be encouraged, God is working against the commercialisation of Easter!!!! But, as a whole we do need to find our public voice again and actively engage in a community 'conversation' about the gospel.... The kids at Easter Camp had first-hand experience of this, lets pray it continues and spreads like an infectious disease!!!

Bless ya!
Jo Brookshaw (Cadet - W4C)