Sunday, 11 May 2008

Famous Last Words

I got the opportunity to travel to Melbourne on the 1st May to hear the first in the series of lectures at the Salvation Army Training College entitled "Famous Last Words". This is a series featuring Retired Officers and giving them the opportunity to talk to Cadets and the wider Salvation Army and give what message they would give if it was their last chance to preach. Firstly let me say I think this is a sensational idea and we as a movement should use our Retired Officers and their experience more than we currently do. The reason I travelled from Warrnambool to Melbourne for this event was it was my Mum (Lieutenant Colonel Avis Lamotte) who was delivering the first in this series of lectures, and I wanted to support her and also hear Mum preach again. I am different to a lot of Officers kids in that my parents were not Corps Officers of mine after the age of three so I never really got to hear Mum preach very often. When my parents were the DC's if they visited my corps it was usually Dad who spoke, and even then I can count on one hand how many sermons I heard Dad deliver. So I was really looking forward to this chance; I was not disappointed ! Even if I am biased Mum was brilliant, she spoke of her childhood and then her path to Officership and the fact that God has been her constant companion through all of life's journeys.
If you know my Mum well you will be surprised to learn she was a very shy,quiet young girl. Her Dad used to say when I introduce you to someone for Heavens sake just say something...anything... just don't stand there. Now I should also say Mum's maiden name was Heaven, she was born Lorna Avis Heaven but has always been known as Avis. She used the theme of "For Heavens Sake" as the main theme of the night and flowed this through everything she spoke about.Mum spoke about getting out and doing things rather than setting up committees or bringing in consultants. I could bore you with everything Mum said but I wont, I do want to share with you her last few comments. Mum finished with this ... "I love this Army that God raised up; I long for it to be true to its name a Salvation Army totally mission based, and fulfilling that Mission. More geared to winning people than winning approval, more committed to making disciples than making dollars.I pray for an Army that will continue to challenge and encourage our beautiful young people to embrace Soldiership,Officership and Ministry; that our Senior Members would not feel discarded or that they have past their use by date.That we as an Army will understand that we are all in this together, One great Army, an army that builds on the past rather than dwells in the past, we have a wonderful heritage we should rightly salute thrilling achievements however lets not get lost in the what was, our challenge is the now.Being the army we ought to be now, fulfilling our mission now, Oh to catch a fresh vision of what we can be under the direction and empowerment of God The Holy Spirit, catch that vision and you and I will be filled with a glorious optimism that will motivate to overwhelming achievement."

I give thanks to God for the incredible woman that is my Mother, and also pray that these words will not just fall to the ground but they will be embraced by those that heard them. I Love You Mum, you are my inspiration and encouragement.


Major Tim Lynn said...

Darren, thanks for your informative and inspirational post.
I wasn't able to attend the lecture, but was most interested to hear some of your dear Mum's concluding comments.
I appreciate you sharing the blessing and inspiration with us.

Oh and by the way, a timely tribute to honour your Mum this Mother's Day too.

Sarah Eldridge said...

Hey Darren,

I'm upset I missed "Famous Last Words" after reading your blog!! Thanks for sharing it.

You know, our heritage really does shape the kind of officers we will be, and I truly believe that with your heritage, and from the ministry I've already seen you involved in - The Salvation Army is in VERY safe hands! :)

I'm looking forward to catching up with you all soon.

Love Sare