Monday 26 May 2008

Red Shield Appeal

That time of year has come again and is almost finished when we rattle the tins and knock on doors trying to fund the work of The Salvation Army for the next twelve months and beyond. It has really struck me this year how generous people are! at a time when inflation is causing pain, where the price of petrol is continually rising, where the cost of everyday shopping items is soaring, when we see so many people through our welfare, it is good to see that people still regard us highly enough to give very generously.
This has made me think about the people who have gone before us and the reputation that has been built over many years, we should be very grateful for their work. The other thing that has really stood out to me is the value of our uniform. Many people complain about it and look at ways of changing it, some choose not to wear it, others believe it is holding us back. Whatever your take on it is you cannot deny the power it has, I got to doors to find people waiting with money in hand because they had seen me coming and recognised the uniform. I went into shops and didn't need to ask for money as they would see you and say "Oh its the Salvos !". I would love to see the figures but I would be amazed if people in uniform didn't get significantly more than those in casual attire. I always used to be amazed at one of my previous corps when people who wore uniform all year round would suddenly turn up in jeans and a jumper for Red Shield Sunday because it was more comfortable. I might be wrong but I thought the whole idea of wearing a uniform was to witness to the fact that you were a follower of God in The Salvation Army. Why then are we witnessing to those who already know this in our Sunday meetings, surely if you are going to change for one Sunday it would be the opposite way; for most of these people this is the one day when they actually go out and are seen in their community and they choose not to wear the uniform. Makes me question why they are actually wearing it and who they are wearing it for ..... themselves, their friends, their fellow soldiers.... or GOD !
If you were involved in Red Shield thank you for your efforts and I pray that you realised how much the Salvation Army is held in high regard and what great opportunities we have to minister to our own communities.

1 comment:

Simon Mapleback said...

Great blog! I totally agree with you mate - I think great minds think alike...