Wednesday 16 January 2008


Now without sharing too much of my really personal stuff here the last couple of weeks have been really tough when it comes to money and getting by. It seems like everyday we have another bill to pay or another unexpected expense come our way. At times this all seems too much and it is hard to not get down and let these things affect our personality and our day to day relationships with each other. Sue will tell you the thing we argue about the most is money ( I am not saying we argue all the time by the way that is not true) it creates pressures and struggles that make Satan happy.
Through this time I am finding that it is important to set priorities. It is easy just to pay this and that to ease some pressure but that can then create more pressure because you should have been doing this first etc etc... Through the 24/7 prayer time we have had at the corps I have really been challenged to set priorities; to give to God first, and to trust God for the provisions to look after the rest. We are still better off than half the population of the world, we have a great house to sleep in, we have clothes to wear, we have food to eat, and most importantly we have each other and the love we share.
May you thank God today for His provisions and look at the valuable commodities you have in your life and give them the priority that they deserve.

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